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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply. If you would like to request information from our staff about programs matching the search criteria you have selected, use the Request Info button.
You searched for Outgoing programs within Spring term, sorted by Program Country in ascending order.

Program search results
Program search results
Program Name City Country  Region Save/Share
AIFS Abroad Buenos Aires Argentina South America
AIFS - Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires Argentina South America
AIFS Abroad: Internship Sydney Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
AIFS - Sydney, Australia Sydney Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
AIFS Abroad Gold Coast Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
Perth Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
University of Wollongong (Exchange) Wollongong Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
AIFS Abroad Salzburg Austria Europe
Webster International Network Schools (WINS) Vienna Austria Europe
AIFS - Salzburg, Austria Salzburg Austria Europe
AIFS Abroad Bridgetown Barbados West Indies
Viña del Mar Chile South America
USAC - Chengdu, China Chengdu China Asia
AIFS Abroad: Internship San Jose Costa Rica Central America
AIFS - San José, Costa Rica San Jose Costa Rica Central America
AIFS Abroad San Jose Costa Rica Central America
Prague Czech Republic Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Prague Czech Republic Europe
USAC - Prague, Czech Republic Prague Czech Republic Europe
AIFS - Prague, Czech Republic Prague Czech Republic Europe
AIFS Abroad Galapagos Islands Ecuador South America
Suva Fiji Australia/Pacific Islands
Université de Lorraine (Exchange) Nancy France Europe
Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Exchange) Chambery France Europe
AIFS Abroad Grenoble France Europe
Paris France Europe
Cannes France Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Paris France Europe
AIFS - Cannes, France Cannes France Europe
AIFS - Grenoble, France Grenoble France Europe
AIFS - Paris, France Paris France Europe
AIFS - Berlin, Germany Berlin Germany Europe
Mainz University, Germany (Exchange) Mainz Germany Europe
*Student Teaching in Germany (BSU Faculty-Led) Ramstein Germany Europe
Technische Universitat Dortmund (Exchange) Dortmund Germany Europe
AIFS Abroad Berlin Germany Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Berlin Germany Europe
Webster International Network Schools (WINS) Athens Greece Europe
AIFS Abroad Athens Greece Europe
AIFS - Athens, Greece Athens Greece Europe
AIFS Abroad Budapest Hungary Europe
Hyderabad India Asia
Limerick Ireland Europe
Maynooth Ireland Europe
Dublin Ireland Europe
University of Limerick (Direct Enroll) Limerick Ireland Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Galway Ireland Europe
AIFS - Maynooth, Ireland Maynooth Ireland Europe
AIFS - Limerick, Ireland Limerick Ireland Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Rome Italy Europe
AIFS - Florence, Italy Florence Italy Europe
AIFS - Milan, Italy Milan Italy Europe
AIFS - Rome, Italy Rome Italy Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Milan Italy Europe
Florence Italy Europe
John Cabot University Exchange (Exchange) Rome Italy Europe
AIFS Abroad Florence Italy Europe
Rome Italy Europe
Sapporo University, Japan (Exchange) Sapporo Japan Asia
Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (Exchange) Nagoya Japan Asia
Akita International University (Exchange) Akita Japan Asia
AIFS Abroad Seoul Korea, South Asia
AIFS - Seoul, South Korea Seoul Korea, South Asia
Webster International Network Schools (WINS) Leiden Netherlands Europe
AIFS Abroad Wellington New Zealand Australia/Pacific Islands
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) (Exchange) Oslo Norway Europe
Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts (Exchange) Wroclaw Poland Europe
Lodz University of Technology (CAP students) (Exchange) Lodz Poland Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Lisbon Portugal Europe
AIFS Abroad Lisbon Portugal Europe
Stellenbosch South Africa Africa
AIFS - Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch South Africa Africa
**BSU-in-Alcalá Alcalá de Henares Spain Europe
AIFS - Barcelona, Spain Barcelona Spain Europe
AIFS - Salamanca, Spain Salamanca Spain Europe
AIFS - Madrid, Spain Madrid Spain Europe
AIFS - Seville, Spain Seville Spain Europe
AIFS - Granada, Spain Granada Spain Europe
AIFS Abroad Valencia Spain Europe
Seville Spain Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Madrid Spain Europe
Franklin Institute at University of Alcala in Spain (Direct Enroll) Alcala Spain Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship Barcelona Spain Europe
AIFS Abroad Granada Spain Europe
Salamanca Spain Europe
Madrid Spain Europe
Barcelona Spain Europe
Webster International Network Schools (WINS) Geneva Switzerland Europe
University of York (Exchange) York United Kingdom Europe
AIFS Abroad: Internship London United Kingdom Europe
Edinburgh United Kingdom Europe
Aberystwyth University (Exchange) Aberystwyth United Kingdom Europe
Keele University, England (Exchange) Stoke-on-Trent United Kingdom Europe
Worcester University, England (Exchange) Worcester United Kingdom Europe
AIFS Abroad London United Kingdom Europe
AIFS - London, England London United Kingdom Europe
National Student Exchange (NSE): United States Exchanges (Exchange) Various Locations United States North America
AIFS Abroad Multiple Country Program Various Countries Various Regions