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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply. If you would like to request information from our staff about programs matching the search criteria you have selected, use the Request Info button.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, having (Program Type equal to 'Faculty Led'), sorted by Program City in ascending order.

Program search results
Program search results
Program Name City  Country Region Save/Share
*Kaleidoscope of India (BSU Faculty-Led) Agra India Asia
**BSU-in-Alcalá Alcalá de Henares Spain Europe
*Sustainability in Switzerland, Germany, and Czechia (BSU Faculty-led) Berlin Germany Europe
*Communication + Culture in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Chefchaouen Morocco Africa
*Theatre and Dance In Mexico City (BSU Faculty-Led) Ciudad de Mexico Mexico Central America
*Leadership Abroad: EDHI 403 in Dublin, Ireland (BSU Faculty-Led) Dublin Ireland Europe
*EDEL-O London (BSU Faculty-Led) Edinburgh United Kingdom Europe
*Communication + Culture in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Evora Portugal Europe
Fes Morocco Africa
*Sustainability in Switzerland, Germany, and Czechia (BSU Faculty-led) Freiburg im Breisgau Germany Europe
*Leadership Abroad: EDHI 403 in Dublin, Ireland (BSU Faculty-Led) Galway Ireland Europe
*Kaleidoscope of India (BSU Faculty-Led) Jaipur India Asia
*CAP Japan Go! (BSU Faculty-led) WAITLIST ONLY Kyoto City Japan Asia
*Communication + Culture in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Lisbon Portugal Europe
*EDEL-O London (BSU Faculty-Led) London United Kingdom Europe
*Communication + Culture in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Madrid Spain Europe
Marrakesh Morocco Africa
*Ecology and Conservation Biology in Ecuador (BSU Faculty-led) WAITLIST ONLY Mindo Ecuador South America
*Kaleidoscope of India (BSU Faculty-Led) New Delhi India Asia
*CAP Japan Go! (BSU Faculty-led) WAITLIST ONLY Osaka Japan Asia
*The Business of Luxury Hospitality: An immersive experience in Paris, France (BSU Faculty-led) Paris France Europe
*Communication + Culture in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Porto Portugal Europe
*Sustainability in Switzerland, Germany, and Czechia (BSU Faculty-led) Prague Czech Republic Europe
*Ecology and Conservation Biology in Ecuador (BSU Faculty-led) WAITLIST ONLY Quito Ecuador South America
*Arab Identity & Culture in Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Rabat Morocco Africa
*Student Teaching in Germany (BSU Faculty-Led) Ramstein Germany Europe
*Globalization and the Social World: Costa Rica (BSU Faculty-Led) San Jose Costa Rica Central America
*Ecology and Conservation Biology in Ecuador (BSU Faculty-led) WAITLIST ONLY Santa Cruz Ecuador South America
**BSU-in-Seoul Seoul Korea, South Asia
Seoul South Korea Asia
*K-Culture and Storytelling in Seoul + Japan (BSU Faculty-Led) Seoul Korea, South Asia
*Communication + Culture in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco (BSU Faculty-led) Seville Spain Europe
*K-Culture and Storytelling in Seoul + Japan (BSU Faculty-Led) Tokyo Japan Asia
*CAP Japan Go! (BSU Faculty-led) WAITLIST ONLY Tokyo Japan Asia
*Sustainability in Switzerland, Germany, and Czechia (BSU Faculty-led) Zurich Switzerland Europe